Selasa, 09 November 2010

cerita lucu

Nak termuntah

Di dalam sebuah bas duduk seorang pemuda dan seorang nenek. Si nenek memicit-micit kepalanya.
“Kenapa nie nek. Pening ya,” tanya pemuda tersebut.
“Ya nak, rasanya kepala pening, perut mual, rasa macam nak muntah,” jawab nenek.
“Oh, ya nak, bolehkah nenek melihat muka kamu sebentar.”
Pemuda itu terkejut tapi kemudian tersenyum,”Boleh nek, tapi kenapa?”
Si nenek menjawab,”Biar muntahnya lebih cepat.”

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

oath youth

Oath Youth 

Every October 28, the Indonesian nation commemorates Youth Pledge. Ikhrar Youth Pledge II was born on Youth Congress held in Jakarta on October 27 to 28 1928. At that time the youth throughout Indonesia with the flag "jong" there are Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, gathered for a unanimity embroidery mengikhrarkan one homeland, one nation and one language. Youth Pledge a milestone is very important and fundamental to the purpose of independent Indonesia.

Youth Pledge for the first time ever united in an attempt to seize independence from Dutch colonial hands. If in the days before the movement took
conducted its own independence, ethnic and regional character of the Youth Pledge of struggle after that is nationality. This is a new etnonasionalisme after the national revival May 20, 1908.

Youth no longer represent the interests of the region and tribe, but on behalf of the Indonesian nation. And interestingly, the initiative is coming from young people not from the elders. Youth with all its idealism able to formulate what would become the future of this nation that constantly seized with the shackles of colonialism. Youth with the spirit of pluralism and stripped of all able to unite all the cloak differences that hamper partition to independence.

It is not surprising that there is confidence without the Youth Pledge of independence of this nation can not be achieved. Youth Pledge to be a unifying event unanimity embroidery nation's children. Whereas in an atmosphere of national unity and integrity of all things become possible implemented including repel invaders from the Earth in Indonesia.

One of the weaknesses of the struggle for the independence movement there is no unity, scattered and easily boxed-boxing in the politics of divide. Ketokohan youth did not stop at the Youth Pledge. Gait youth continues in the era of independence when the young men "kidnapped" to Rengasdenglok Sukarno Hatta and then together to formulate the text of the proclamation which was played on August 17, 1945.

Without the text of the proclamation of the role youth can not be read out in East Pegangsaan 56 by Sukarno Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation. At the urging even the threat of Sukarno Hatta youth then "forced" to read the text independence.
Ketokohan youth continued in 1966 when the youth became a pioneer in the Old Order regime toppled.

1966 youth movement in the social control finally succeeded in overthrowing the Old Order regime of guided democracy. The role of social control that continued throughout the history of the New Order but with the threat of violence and repression. And at the end of the New Order in 1998 was arguably not the role of a small boy in overthrowing the New Order. The role of youth since the time of the independence movement is not small.

Unfortunately, history proves after successfully overthrowing the regime of arbitrary youths then left. The young men needed only moral support to topple a regime, but after that their work was almost forgotten. In fact, when power tends to corrupt and abuse the power of moral force is expected to youth.

Authority is only needed when there are youth wants. By the time power was successfully grasped, the youth then abandoned. The most obvious evidence is the weakness of government in fostering young people. Youth movements such as up to this moment remains a movement that half-hearted and hot-hot chicken shit. There are no adequate budgetary support for youth development through youth. No wonder the event is no more youth activities such as dating agents alone. Or the voice summary of the youth who just became carpenters seeking donations during Agustusan.

Governments often have slogans regeneration of the nation, but did not prepare the young generation to be the successor to the future. Not surprisingly, news of the youth also tend to be summary and half-hearted as entangled drugs, promiscuity, criminality because of the narrowness of young people the opportunity to actualize himself. Of course this condition is a challenge for the managers of the state. Allowing youth mired in hedonism scene especially drugs will be demoralizing and their future.

As the country and the government did not give adequate place for the youth, then it will happen in line with the regeneration crisis of leadership. Therefore, the momentum of Indonesian Youth Pledge young people are challenged to prove gait and its role that can do something even smaller for the nation and state. It is time for brave young men collect the government's promise. And do not let the youth co-opted and fragmented in practical politics and the party which benefits only a handful of people.

Youth Pledge event should be a reflection of many parties that the role and ketokohan youth should be brought back to life. Youth should be more involved in development and to proactively participate in the life of society, nation and state. Do not let the youth have a short memory just to work, marry, have children and do not have the slightest idea of thinking contributed to the nation. Congratulations celebrate Youth Pledge!

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

bukittinggi city tour

Parijs van Sumatra is the name of two cities in Sumatra in the colonial period. On the island of Java, Bandung was the one who earned the nickname Parijs van Java. Not because of beautiful scenery, mountains, winding, and the weather is cool. On the island of Sumatra, Medan (North Sumatra) and Bukittinggi (West Sumatra) were named as mentioned above. This time, turn Parijs van Sumatra in Bukittinggi. The city with the mountains liukan elegant, green scenery Royo-Royo, canyons, and Tri Arga (three mountains) that Mount Merapi - the highest mountain in West Sumatra - Mount Singgalang, and Sago.
paris-van-Sumatran Minangkabau-bukittinggi Actually, not only the three mountains that surround it Bukittinggi. But there are 27 other hills that make Bukittinggi is so cool and pretty. State Palace in the city is also called Tri Arga and later became the State of Bung Hatta Palace.
Bukittinggi is 91 km north of the coastal city of Padang, where there Bayur Bay Port and Airport Tabing. To go to Bukittinggi in the highlands, both highway and railway lines have to go through a lot of climbs and twists. The Netherlands has built highways Padang-Bukittinggi in 1833 while the railway in 1890. As in Ambarawa, railway Padang-Bukittinggi also have three tracks because the track uphill.
Now, the railway has changed with the railway bus but still could be seen snaking. Unfortunately all of that memorable stay.
Arrive in Bukittinggi, anyone who used to live with the weather in Jakarta would be a little shudder. Temperatures range between 19-23 degrees Celsius. Very cool, the air is still clean, the sky is so bright daylight. The atmosphere and weather in the morning, approximately at 07.30, still felt quiet, quiet, comfortable, cool. In contrast to Jakarta that never stopped from rushing to the pollution that makes as cloudy Jakarta sky.
As Parijs van Sumatra - with beautiful scenery, then the tourists who come to this place definitely will not miss the canyon Sianok. Click amazed certainly out of the mouth of anyone who first saw Sianok canyon winding with Sianok Batang River flowing at the bottom.
In Old Town New Town: The History of Cities in Indonesia, Zulqayyim, history department faculty member Faculty of Arts University of Andalas, Padang, wrote about the "Infrastructure Development Bukittinggi Dutch Colonial Period." In it he includes the history of the founding of Bukittinggi that starts from a market that was founded and is managed by the lords of Nagari Kurai.
Initially the market, or the Minangkabau call it a feed, it is only opened every Saturday, after a lively invective, then combined with Wednesday. Because the market was located in one of bukik tatinggi nan (the highest hill) then later be called Bukittinggi to market it once Nagari Kurai. Name of the market has now become Upper Market (Market ateh) and located in the heart of this city.
In other references mentioned, the market is standing on a place called Bukik wallow Kabau. In 1820 tribal meeting Kurai to rename a puddle Bukik Kabau be Bukik Nan Tatinggi. Name bukik (hill), the latter is what later became Bukittinggi. Market Market Name Kurai to Bukittinggi.
For the Netherlands, after an agreement Plakat Panjang, 1833, made the economic center of Fort de Kock. Nagari Kurai is one of the villages in the area LUHAK (district), Agam and consists of five Jorong. Long before the arrival of Dutch in the Agam Plateau, 1823, Bukittinggi already crowded market visited by residents.
In about 1825-1826, the Dutch Military Chief Officer for the Highlands Agam, Captain Bauer, founded the fortress Fort de Kock in Bukit Jirek - 300 meters north of Bukitinggi Market. Name of Fort de Kock is taken from the name of the Military Commander and the Deputy Governor General of Netherlands Indies Mark Baron Hendrik de Kock. The fort was built to help deal with The Padri Indigenous People (Religion). Since then the Dutch called the area as Fort de Kock, while the Minangkabau people still call Bukittinggi

The city of Bukittinggi is cool, making it a favorite place for walking the street. Here are some places that must be visited if you plan to get there.

Clock Tower

 Clock Tower became an icon of the city of Bukittinggi, located in downtown in front of Bukitting Market. Clock Tower has a uniqueness that is present in numbers jamnnya. Written by Roman numerals, usually number 4 will be written into IV. However, the Clock Tower written into IIII. Machine contained within this hour, there are only two. One is used in the Clock Tower and another one used on the Big Bang in London. What can be done here? Picnic, recreation at the park and take pictures of course.

Up and Down Markets Market Bukittinggi

 Bukittinggi Sikek famous for his clever and extraordinary culinary delicious. At the Market of Bukittinggi ateh or market, you can buy the materials and mukena embroidered with a much cheaper price than in the capital. Mukena and materials are sold vary depending on the price with embroidery and embroidered motifs. As for the culinary, in the back of the market, there are food vendors stengah so that can be used by the - by. Like chips and fish Bilih. Do not forget to stop by the Banana Kapit Union in June of the most typical of this market. Bananas are bananas fuel kapit digeprek then sprinkled with grated coconut mixed with brown sugar. It feels good and fits enjoyed the morning for breakfast. If you come at lunch, then you can stop at Rice Uni Kapau Lis, places to eat that are well known but still maintain it's excellence.

Marga Satwa Park (Fort fort de'Cock) and the Museum of Culture Minang

 As usual wildlife park, here we can see the collection of animals, but typical of West Sumatra. Such as deer, tigers and many species of birds. At the end of the zoo have Fort de'Cock a water tower as well as the monitoring if any rebel Dutch heritage Limpapeh connected by bridges. Minang Culture Museum is also located within this Wildlife Park Marga. With the additional entrance fee of Rp 1,000, you can see the history of the Minangkabau, traditional dresses and traditional household equipment. You also can take pictures by using traditional dresses here for Rp 25,000. Not bad, could be recalled - memories, as well as evidence that you ever been to West Sumatra.

China City

 China Town is a residential area which is also traded Chinese people along the road. Stores - stores contained in this store - average selling clothes and shoes. The building is still distinctive buildings of the past. So many, too, people who come here just to walk the road and enjoy the distinctive architecture.
Canyon Sianok

 It is a steep valley that cleaved by stem Sianok. The view here is very beautiful, making it a favorite tourist attraction by local residents or from outside the area. In addition to a beautiful panorama, in this tourist area there are also holes Japan. A legacy of Japan's cave can be entered. However, when we came cave is still in development stage so not much to see.

Goulash Itiak Canyon Lado MudoWhen you are into the canyon, it's going to lose if they do not stop at the diner Itiak Lado Mudo curry which was popular even throughout Indonesia. It was very spicy and delicious. Coupled with the beautiful scenery Sianok canyon. You who love the culinary will feel satisfied doing a culinary tour he

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

topologi jaringan

Topologi Jaringan

Topologi Jaringan adalah Konfigurasi tentang bagaimana menghubungkan komputer, kabel dan peripheral lainnya sehingga membentuk sebuah jaringan.
Topologi merupakan suatu pola hubungan antara terminal dalam jaringan komputer. Pola ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan metode access dan media pengiriman yang digunakan. Topologi yang ada sangatlah tergantung dengan letak geofrapis dari masing-masing terminal, kualitas kontrol yang dibutuhkan dalam komunikasi ataupun penyampaian pesan, serta kecepatan dari pengiriman data. Ada beberapa Topologi Jaringan di dalam Dunia Teknologi Informatika ini seperti Topologi Bus, Topologi Ring, dan Topologi Star. Berikut Penjelasan dari 3 Topologi Jaringan ini :

1. Topologi Bus

Topologi Bus merupakan topologi yang banyak digunakan pada masa penggunaan kabel coaxial. Dengan menggunakan T-Connector maka komputer atau perangkat jaringan lainnya bisa dengan mudah dihubungan satu sama lainnya. Pada topologi ini komputer server dan workstation dihubungkan secara berantai melalui kabel tunggal. Topologi ini mudah di kembangkan dan sederhana namun bila salah satu workstation mati maka yang lain akan terpengaruh.

Topologi ini mempunyai karakteristik :
• Merupakan satu kabel yang kedua ujungnya ditutup dimana sepanjang kabel terdapat node-node.
• Paling prevevalent karena sederhana dalam instalasi.
• Signal melewati kabel 2 arah dan mungkin terjadi collision.
• Problem terbesar dari Topologi Bus adalah Jika salah satu segmen kabel putus, maka seluruh jaringan akan berhenti.
• Topologi Bus adalah jalur transmisi dimana sinyal diterima dan dikirimkan pada setiap alat/device yang tersambung pada satu garis lurus (kabel), signal hanya akan ditangkap oleh alat yang dituju, sedangkan alat lainnya yang bukan tujuan akan mengabaikan signal tersebut/hanya akan di lewati signal.

2. Topologi Ring

Topologi Ring mirip dengan topologi bus, bedanya topologi ring ujungnya saling berhubungan seolah membentuk lingkaran cincin. Pada topologi ini data mengalir searah, artinya seluruh komputer dalam jaringan akan ikut ambil bagian dalam mengelola informasi yang lewat sehingga bila salah satu rusak maka akan berpengaruh terhadap seluruh jaringan. Topologi ini memanfaatkan kurva tertutup, artinya informasi dan data serta traffic di salurkan sedemikian rupa sehingga masing-masing node tersambung. Umumnya fasilitas ini memanfaatkan fiber optic sebagai sarananya dan twisted pair

Topologi ini mempunyai karakteristik :
• Lingkaran tertutup yang berisi node-node.
• Sederhana dalam layout.
• Signal mengalir dalam satu arah sehingga menghindari terjadi collision (2 paket data tercampur), sehingga memungkinkan pergerakan data yang lebih cepat dan collision detection yang lebih sederhana.
• Problem terbesar dari Topologi Ring adalah Jika salah satu segmen kabel putus, maka seluruh jaringan akan berhenti.
• Biasanya topologi ring tidak dibuat secara fisik melainkan direalisasikan dengan sebuah consentrator dan terlihat seperti topologi star.

3. Topologi Star

Dalam Topologi Star, setiap komputer/workstation di hubungkan secara langsung melalui media perantara berupa hub/switch. Topologi Star ini banyak digunakan diberbagai tempat, karena kemudahan untuk menambah, mengurangi atau mendeteksi kerusakan jaringan yang ada. Dengan bermodalkan Hub, Kabel UTP dan Crimtool seseorang sudah bisa membuat dengan mudah sebuah system jaringan dengan Topologi Star.

Topologi ini mempunyai karakteristik :
• Setiap node berkomunikasi langsung dengan centra node, traffic data mengalir dari node ke central node dan kembali lagi.
• Mudah di kembangkan karena setiap node hanya memiliki kabel yang langsung terhubung ke central node
• Keunggulan dari Topologi Star adalah Jika salah satu kabel node terputus yang lainnya tidak terganggu.
• Dapat digunakan kabel lower grade karena hanya menghandel satu traffic node dan biasanya menggunakan kabel UTP